About Nacho and why?
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Well basically some friends and I were watching the videos last year in spanish and we just fell in love with Nacho and the idea of being in his gang, we are me,( Jane ), Mary (es muy bonito), maeve (es muy obsessivio) and now John my muy muy annoying brother thinks he can be in the Nacho fan club bacause he saw the tres emmociante videos and he can do very good impressions of Nacho.
This may all appear quite sad but we are just obsessive like this.
Mary and I co-created the Paco song in Spanish class, one thing mary "I - dont - think - so", grrr we are also obsessed with such things because our spanish teacher is so bloody boring!
Oh i cant forget maria who loves to laugh at me and my obsessions

How you can become a member of Nacho's gang:
. speak un poco espanol, es muy importante (if you cant how will you understand his wonderful words?)

. Be cool, like him, in general, dressing the same cn help so look at how to dress like nacho, on the how to dress like Nacho page.

. sing loudly and out of tune without being embarassed, esta muy facil para mi

. own a pair of backets like Nacho's

. and finally and most importantly you must delclare your nachoness en un restaurante de hamberguesa while ordering un hamberguesa!

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